State of the art

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Preparatory actions
A1 Assessment of  the levels of biological diversity for vascular plants, epiphytic lichens,saproxylic fungi, saproxylic beetles and birds ended
A2 Assessment of the current forest structure ended
A3 Projects definition for the concrete actions ended
Concrete Conservation Actions
C1 Promotion of the regeneration of the species that characterize the habitats Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium and Abies alba in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park ended
C2 Promotion of the regeneration of the species that characterize the habitats Taxus baccata, Ilex aquifolium and Abies alba in the Gran Sasso Laga National Park ended
C3 Enhancement of the diversity in terms of understory species and epiphytic lichens in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park ended
C4 Enhancement of the diversity in terms of understory species and epiphytic lichens in the Gran Sasso Laga National Park ended
C5 Enhancement of the diversity of saproxylic organisms in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park ended
C6 Enhancement of the diversity of saproxylic organisms in the Gran Sasso Laga National Park ended
C7 Enhancement of the diversity of birds that use senescing or dead trees as a component of their habitat in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park ended
C8 Enhancement of the diversity of birds that use senescing or dead trees as a component of their habitat in the Gran Sasso Laga Park ended
Monitoring Actions
D1 Design of the monitoring plan ended
D2 Assessment of structural heterogeneity and diversity levels after the interventions ended
D3 Assessment of relationships between the sampled taxa and the structural features deriving from the performed actions. ended
D4 Monitoring of the project's socio-economic and ecosystems services impact ended
Dissemination Actions
E1 Project website ended
E2 Media campaign and elaboration of promotional materials ended
E3 Consultation with relevant stakeholders in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park ended
E4 Consultation with relevant stakeholders in the Gran Sasso Laga National Park ended
E5 Courses for local harvesters ended
E6 Education and awareness raising in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park ended
E7 Education and awareness raising in the Gran Sasso Laga National Park ended
E8 Communication with other national and local authorities who manage Natura 2000 sites including the 9210* and 9220* forest habitats ended
E9 Conferences, seminars and workshops ended
E10 Layman's report ended
E11 Notice board in the PNCVD and in the PNGSML ended
Monitoring of the Project Progress
F1 Project management and operation of the project steering committee  ended
F2 Project Management by DBA ended
F3 Project management by DIBAF ended
F4 Project management by Gran Sasso Laga National Park ended
F5 Public awareness evaluation ended
F6 Independent auditing of the final financial report ended
F7 After-LIFE conservation plan ended
F8 Monitoring of the implementation progress of the project actions ended